CHRONICLES OF THE HUSTLERS: Reflections on our entrepreneurship journey and what it means to hustle, we mean really hustle... (side note - maybe #forbes will ask us to start writing for them 

we can dream right )

LESSON 1: Shamelessly Plugging Away has been coined by our business coach @mj_riri_weimys who would always say this to me. She would say, "Suvania what is the worst that someone could say to you... is no". So we put on our big girl panties,
and our thick skin and get out there and #shamelesslyplugaway by reaching out to people, pitching, selling, marketing and carrying boxes

LESSON 2: In a recent conversation with my friend @fortune_gamanya she said to me, "It is all about your Social Capital Suvi and how can you leverage this?" I couldn't agree more. If we did not have the network of people we have around us, helping, supporting, encouraging and assisting to make connections we would not be where we stand today 5 months into Artisanal Spice. So a big shout out to all of you!!! And a special shout out to our friend and future collaborator @chantaliroux who whizzed up some scrumptious artisan vegan and gluten-free crackers for this Snack Treat Box.
LESSON 3: For me or rather US, Sam @sami-jo and my dad it is about believing in ourselves, what we are about and what we want to ultimately achieve. As the days go by we certainly get that one step closer to redefining and fine tuning who Artisanal Spice is and what our business goals are. We are definitely about the #EPICUREAN #EXPERIENCE #ENVIRONMENT
LESSON 4: Synchronicity, Alignment and a sprinkling of Magic.And then one day after all the #shamelesslypluggingaway and #socialcapital outreach and #believinginyourself it finally comes together in that awwww inspiring moment.
Moments that we captured in these pics that you see, when you get that one deal that reminds you that it is all worth it and to keep doing what you are doing.